Most people at some stage will need to get a pair of glasses or wear contact lens. Much like our eyes, our feet can require help. Our feet were built to walk over uneven terrain, which utilises the muscles in our feet all the way up our legs into our hips and back as they were designed to do.But our modern world has put our feet into flat shoes, high heels, gumboots etc and so the muscles are no longer controlling your gait (manner of walking) movement as they should.Then add an injury to the equation, or repetitive activities and sports, and the biomechanics in our lower body start to malfunction- leading to pain and discomfort. This is where different strains are placed on the tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints and the usual sprains and strains don’t heal as quickly as they should. Chronic pain can develop and this affects your sports performance, daily activities and can lead to compensatory pain elsewhere.

Custom orthotics are built for YOUR individual foot needs. Just like prescription glasses/contact lens, they can restore the correct biomechanics of your feet, thus improving the rest of your body’s movement. This in turn then rebalances the body and takes away excess stress and strains on the tendons, ligaments, muscles, and joints.

At least 70% of the population will have some issue with their feet at some point,

Common problems we see include

Plantar Fasciitis

Hammer toes

Shin splints


Flat feet

Hip and knee pain

Lower back pain


The list goes on. If you suffer with any of these issues and if you have had various types of treatment to help with no lasting changes or exercise programmes that just don’t fix the underlying issues, you may want to check out the GaitScan.

The GaitScan is a tool that analyses the pressure placed through the plate as you walk across it and when standing on it. The gait analysis looks at the biomechanics of your feet and through a computerised programme it compares your foot to what a normal foot would do.

A physical assessment is carried out to look at the biomechanics of the feet, look at leg length discrepancy and history taken of current and previous musculoskeletal issues, so that when the orthotic is designed, it meets your personal requirements.

You may well find that custom orthotics and good footwear can give you relief and enhance your sporting performance and daily mobility.